Accent Prime Laser

“Non-invasive treatment for skin tightening.
Repairs collagen like a face-lift.”

Significantly reduced treatment time

Long lasting results

Clinically proven in extensive studies

Bring out your best features quickly, easily and comfortably
with the Accent prime laser, a non-invasive, state-of-the-art
solution for body contouring & aesthetic enhancement

The Accent prime laser offers highly customized treatments
for facial and body contouring, cellulite reduction and skin
tightening that reveal your natural beauty contours
with reliable, lasting results

Laser Treatments


Crows lines and bags under eyes

Loose non-defined jaw-line

Sagging mouth area

Feather lip lines

Builds new collagen

Combat future ageing

The Radio Frequency heats the deep layers, while it cools the epidermis, which keeps the surface of the skin safe during the procedure. As a result your skin needs no recovery time and you can quickly resume your daily routine.

The deep heating of Radio Frequency helps tighten the collagen in your dermis and subcutaneous tissue, while also stimulating the formation of new collagen. As a result you’ll see tighter, smoother skin and improved tone texture. These results will start immediately and continue in the months following treatment.

The high intensity ultra sound energy is focused on the targeted fat. The energy passes through the skin to destroy fat tissues without harming the surface of the skin.

Over the next few days/weeks the body naturally removes the targeted and destroyed fat which leaves you with a thinner, smoother and more contoured shape.

The results from radio frequency tightening the collagen in the dermis are immediate and continue in the months following treatment. Incredible results for skin laxity in the abdominal area caused by pregnancy and weight loss. Exceptional for tightening of sagging knees and arm areas.


Eliminate fat on targeted areas

Tighten and smooth loose skin on soft or ageing areas

Visibly target stubborn cellulite

Stimulate lymphatic drainage


Hands R 800-00
Underarm R 1000-00 R 1600-00
Bra Line (Front/Back) R 1100-00 R 1700-00
½ Tummy R 1000-00 R 1100-00
Full Tummy R 1200-00 R 1800-00
Love Handles R 1200-00 R 2100-00
Buttocks R 1200-00 R 1900-00
Saddle Bags R 1000-00 R 1800-00
Inner Thighs R 1000-00 R 1600-00
Thighs (Front/Back) R 1200-00 R 1600-00
Thighs (Both) R 2200-00 R 3000-00
Knees R 900-00 R 1400-00
Facial Contouring & Skin Tightening RF RF&US
½ Face R 1200-00
Full Face R 2100-00
Eyes R 700-00
Mouth R 700-00
Jowls R 1200-00 R 1600-00
Neck/Chin R 1200-00 R 1400-00
Decollete R 1850-00
Ultrasound add on RF RF&US
Chin R 400-00
Jowls R 550-00